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Rate Information

Most return sessions are about 60 minutes and usually include acupuncture, tuina (Chinese massage), and CranioSacral therapy. We also incorporate other types of therapy as needed.

Costs and Accepted Forms of Payment

Costs will vary depending on your insurance coverage. 

All treatments consist of one or more of the following services:

Tuina - Medical Massage
CranioSacral Therapy
Herbal Advice
Qi Gong - Exercise

  • Consultation: Talk with us about your concerns and find out how we can help. $50
  • First Visit: Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Treatment - $150.00
    75 - 120 minute initial treatment
  • Return Visit: Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Treatment - $90.00
    45-60 minute follow up or wellness treatment
  • CranioSacral Therapy - $90.00
    60 minute treatment
  • Child First Visit: Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Treatment - $125.00
    75 - 90 minute treatment
    Children ages 7 - 18
  • Child Return Visit: Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Treatment - $80.00
    60 - 75 minute treatment
    Children ages 7 - 18


  • Private Tai Chi Lessons $90
    Yang Style Tai Chi (Short Form) - Detailed instruction with Josh Schneider
  • Private Qi Gong Lessons 960
    Exercises to promote health, longevity, and recovery from injury.

Cloud Gate Acupuncture takes Credit Cards

We accept cash, checks, and credit cards.

Cancellation Policy

Please allow a 48-hour notice for cancellation of appointments. Appointments cancelled without 48-hour notice may be billed for the cost of the session.

Your Privacy is Important

Patient information and records are private and confidential, as outlined by HIPAA regulations. All patients receive written notice of privacy policies at their initial appointment.

Make an appointment. Rates & Payment info - Cloud Gate Acupuncture and Healing Arts in Broomfield, Colorado

303 - 506 - 0622

Natural healing for growth and vitality. Cloud Gate offers Acupuncture in Broomfield, Colorado


Natural healing for growth and vitality. Cloud Gate Acupuncture and Healing Arts offers safe, effective Acupuncture in Broomfield, Colorado 


Natural healing for growth and vitality. Rates & Payment info - Cloud Gate Acupuncture and Healing Arts in Broomfield, Colorado 

Book now.

Cloud Gate Acupuncture
& Healing Arts
60 Garden Center
Suite 101
Broomfield, Colorado 80020

303 - 506 - 0622