Qi Gong Classes
Qi (chee) Gong exercise is a great way to gently invigorate, relax, and nourish the body’s energy. Practice over time can yield great health benefits (see list below). Our classes consist of approximately 60 minutes of qi gong exercises, including instruction on general alignment and standing practice.
Regular Qi Gong exercise can have numerous effects on our body and mind, such as:
- Increased strength, flexibility, and range of motion
- Regulated brain function
- Regulated digestive function
- Increased circulation
- Decreased blood pressure
- Improved musculoskeletal problems
- Decreased anxiety and depression
- Increased body awareness
Upcoming Qi Gong Class: Winter of 2025
Wang Ji Wu's Body Strengthening and
Health Maintenance Exercises: An 8 Week Class
Thursdays: 8:30 am - 9:30 am
January 30th - March 27th, 2025
No class: February 20th
Price: $150.00
Instructor: Dr. Josh Schneider, LAc.
Please note: This class is open to current patients only
Class size is limited. If you are interested in taking this class,
please email us at cloudgateheaingarts@gmail.com.
Master Wang Ji Wu (1891 - 1991) was an accomplished martial artist and Chinese medicine doctor who, using his decades of experience, developed these 16 exercises to help both his students and patients. His students learned these exercises as a warm-up prior to more intense martial arts training, while his patients learned these exercises to help speed the healing process.
These exercises can be practiced by younger and older persons alike.
Class Description:
Class will consist of practicing the full set of 16 exercises followed by in-depth instruction and explanation of 2 - 3 of the exercises to be practiced that week. By week 8, class participants will have the full set of 16 exercises to practice on their own.
Private Qi Gong Lessons
60 min Private lesson: $90.00
Instructor: Josh Schneider or Gretchen Belenchia
To schedule a private lesson, please contact us by phone at 303-506-0622
or email at cloudgatehealingarts@gmail.com.